Pookie Powers were instantly activated on April 25, 2000 when we met for the very first time at the Xando (now unfortunately Cosi) at the Courthouse Metro in Arlington, VA. Since then, our power has spread far and wide with its epicenter now positioned in Broomfield, CO. And the Pookie Nation has grown to include one more.

The start of this blog marks the five year anniversary of the official Pookie union. With many years ahead, the power knows no bounds!

The entire population of Pookie Nation

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I've Landed!

On July 9, I start my new job as a Product Trainer at DoubleClick in Thornton, CO. YIPPEEE!!!

"With over 1500 clients, DoubleClick is the preferred partner of leading companies worldwide for a full range of digital advertising solutions." When I was working at AOL a few years back, DoubleClick was one of our greatest competitors, now AOL is one of their clients. So I'll be digging in my brain for all my archived knowledge about online advertising to put to use at my new job.

Just a few of the highlights of my new job: a non-existent commute since the office is 5 miles from home, lots of growth potential, and frequent travel to NY and SF my favorite cities.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Prince Gus

Please join me in welcoming Gus to the Pookie family! We adopted 5 year old Gus yesterday from Safe Harbor Lab Rescue. Apparently he had been given up by his owner due to financial problems that required him to take a job with too much travel to care for sweet Gus. It must have been hard to give this boy up since he is AWESOME! He has a very sweet disposition, loves to play fetch, comes when you call him, etc. He has basic training, but we're looking forward to taking him to obedience class to get to the next level where we can feel really comfortable having him off leash to play, hike and swim. He's already given me some good exercise this morning with a nice walk and a round of fetch in the yard. Since people are WAY into dogs here, we'll be taking him out of the house with us as much as we can.

The only snag in the happy Pookie household is cat/dog relations. Earlier this week, we brought over another dog to meet Mable and things did not go well due to my own stupidity. There's a whole world of information online about how to introduce cats and dogs and most of it is the complete opposite of what I did. I held Mable in my arms and brought her over to the dog , then she proceeded to claw her way out of my arms -- OUCH. I have the war wounds to prove it. So we're now following the advice of experts and taking our time to introduce them. Wish us luck!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Princess Mable

I've gotten lots of questions from friends about whether Mable had made it to Colorado with us -- YES! Mable is *loving* her new home, especially the huge window sills where she can luxuriate for hours stalking the birds and bunnies outside. She's also hoping that I never get a new job since she loves having me home to hang out and play with her. Her favorite game is wrestling with her toy mice and kicking them under the door that leads to the basement.

Getting Mable here was no small feat since Paul moved in January to start his new job, and I had the most work travel I've ever had between January and when we moved in March. It took a whole community of wonderful friends to take care of Mable during all the transition. Much love and thanks to: Virginia, Dave, David and Daniel Crocker and Virginia's mom who all took care of Mable during many of my trips; Rachael, Jonathan and Gershon Price who adopted Mable for the entire month of March; and our friends in Colorado David, Declan and Aedan White and Jennifer Coken who hosted Mable during our first week before we moved into our new house. Good thing Mable is a truly adaptable kitty who had a great time visiting with everyone!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Life With Less TV = More Reading!

While living in VA, we Pookies had a serious problem -- TV addiction. Having a big screen TV with high-definition DirectTV with Tivo certainly didn't help matters. So we made an agreement, we would leave our big screen TV in VA and upon moving to CO we would no longer pay for TV service. I am proud to report that this crazy experiment has actually worked!

We sold our big screen TV on Craig's List in one hour and got a new, smaller flat panel LCD that fits in our TV nook in the family room. Then Paul hooked up a high-definition antenna -- high-tech rabbit ears. So now we get about 10 channels for free including NBC, FOX, CW, a cool music channel and public television, some of these are actually in HD. With less to watch and no Tivo there's less temptation to spend our free time sacked out on the couch with the TV IV hooked up.

One of the benefits of all this new free time is that we are reading books! Even Paul, who usually prefers to read online, started reading a book this week. I used to be an avid reader and had really dropped off in the last few years. Now I've discovered the Broomfield Library which has been awesome. It was an epiphany -- why pay for books when I'll be done with them in a week? A no-brainer. Book reviews coming soon!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Cycling Elephant Rock Festival

Elephant Rocks! Dana and I went out this weekend and really got plugged into the cycling community. The Elephant Rock Cycling festival was great! If I can tell anyone how to live a more powerful life it is to be with the ones that you love and that love you. It is so easy to just isolate yourself and say you are too busy. I have found that it takes work to have fun. But when you are there to enjoy the moment. Cheers!