Pookie Powers were instantly activated on April 25, 2000 when we met for the very first time at the Xando (now unfortunately Cosi) at the Courthouse Metro in Arlington, VA. Since then, our power has spread far and wide with its epicenter now positioned in Broomfield, CO. And the Pookie Nation has grown to include one more.

The start of this blog marks the five year anniversary of the official Pookie union. With many years ahead, the power knows no bounds!

The entire population of Pookie Nation

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Baby's First Food

Today was a BIG day for little Jacob. He had his first rice cereal, most of which ended up on his face and not in his mouth. But it gave him a chance to taste something new (other than mama's milk) and see how it felt in his mouth.

He also rolled for the first time from his stomach to his back during tummy time. And he managed to replicate this feat twice to prove that it wasn't a total fluke :)

Tomorrow is his first swim lesson...stay tuned!

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